Thursday, May 13, 2010

Deal of the Day - 4/13/10

Hi All,

It has been a long time, but things seem to be getting back to normal.  There should be more posts going forward.

Costco has a nice deal on an Olympus DSLR.  Now most of you probably don't care, but you should.  First off it is small, not like most DSLRs.  Second off it is inexpensive, $499 with a lens, and a memory card.  Third off it shoots 720p HD movies.  Fourth off it uses the new micro 4/3 standard.  Both Olympus and Panasonic are on board, likely Sigma, Tanaka, and other lens makers will be on board soon as they will not have to make the same lens in different flavors for all of the manufactures.  All of this combines to make a nice camera.

You can find the deal here.

It is not all roses and rainbows, but for the money it is really solid and is a great value.

You can see a more detailed review here.

I am a big fan of the Canon G11, and for a little bit more this is a much better camera.


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