Monday, November 3, 2008

Deal of the Day - 11/3/08 - GEARS!!

Hello All,

To start off the week of November, here are some video game deals. They will give you something to do as the cold weather starts to set in.

First off, Circuit City is selling Gears of War II with a Microsoft points card with 1600 points on it. The points card is worth $20, making this a sweet deal. You can find it here. The game does not go on sale until Friday the 7th. As an alternative, Toys R Us is offering a $15 gift card for a future purchase on this game if the points do not thrill you. You can find this here.

One last thing to note. Circuit City is selling the original Gears for $30. You can find that here. If you have not played it I strongly recommend it. It is a very fun game.



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