Thursday, September 11, 2008

Deal of the Day #6 - 9/11/08

Hello Again,

Ok, seriously it will stop relatively soon. has a new Westinghouse 37" 1080P TV for $599. You can find the TV here. That is the cheapest I have ever seen a 1080P 37" TV. You will likely not notice the difference between it and 720P unless you sit on the TV, but that is beside the point. It is a 37" for the price of a 32", and that makes it a deal. I could not find any reviews, but old models seemed to have some issues with HDMI handshakes. The post says these were fixed with this model.

The only down side to this TV is that it does not have a tuner built in. If you have cable or satellite this does not matter at all, but I wanted you to know anyway.



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