Saturday, September 6, 2008

Deal of the Day - 9/6/08

Hello All,

It is that time of the year again, football time. As a result, lots of HDTVs are being pushed out the door. Here are three good deals, all in one little post.

The first one is the infamous "Today Only"

The rest have undetermined end dates.

  1. Woot is selling a 37" Refurbished Magnavox HDTV for $549.99 with $5 shipping. It has gotten good reviews, one of which you can find here. It is 720p, has all of the HD tuners built in that you want, and is a big TV for a cheap price.

  2. is selling a brand spanking new 32" Sharp 720p TV for $568, with free shipping. You need to use this coupon code: AFL5, to get the $30 off. The TV has gotten good reviews on Amazon, you can find those here.

  3. PC is selling a 26" Refurbished Westinghouse 720p HDTV for 329.99 with free shipping. Amazon reviews of the TV can be found here.

  4. Bonus, two extra posts for FREE. I tell you three, I give you five. That is just the kind of guy I am :-).

    a. New Ipods will be coming out on Tuesday. That means the current models will drop in price by a lot, usually $50 or more. So wait until next week to buy one.

    b. The Xbox 360 price drop is official, you can now get a basic 60GB Xbox 360 for $300, and a bare bones one (arcade) for $199. I like my 360 a lot, and play it the most out of the 3 game systems in the current generation, (PS3, Wii, Xbox 360).


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